Set in Pittsburgh, 'Repulsing the Monkey: A Gentrification Play', is a story that ROSE Community Development and PassinArt: A Theatre Company hopes will help open the conversation in Portland. The play is about a brother and sister who have inherited their parents’ bar in a blue-collar neighborhood. The area is becoming gentrified and they struggle with the question: Should they sell, or should they keep their family and neighborhood’s heritage alive?
Playwright Michael Eichler said the title to his play came easily. The story includes a Tai Chi studio and the Tai Chi move called Repulsing The Monkey represents human nature that is basically good, but easily yields to temptation.
The remaining performances will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, May 29 and 30, 7:00 p.m. at the T.E.A.M. Event Center, 9201 SE Foster Road in Portland. 'Repulsing the Monkey' is directed by Jamie M. Rae and features local artists.
On closing night, Wednesday, May 30 there will be a post-show discussion during which artists and community members will examine the impact of gentrification on diverse communities in the Portland area.
Tickets are $5-15 on a sliding scale. Tickets can be purchased online or contact ROSE Community Development at [email protected].